Sunday, March 1, 2009

About FF7 - Crisis Core patch update

pspatchator help
It seems we need a brief summary to resume our recent works. Actually is active a Crisis Core patch with the following features:
  1. trainer;
  2. possibility of setting custom gil.
This restricted power has made cry some of you people!
But as we sad, this was only a little part of the great power that P-SPatchator can give, so let's talk about the new.
New release of Final Fantasy Crisis Core Patch will have:
  1. Complete item customizer.
    This will allows you to unlock every item from the most common "potion" to the rare "jenji objects".
  2. Complete materia customizer.
    Here comes the new and the Original only by P-SPatchator!
    This section of the patch will permit not only to unlock materia, but it will let you to modify the power of materia elements:
    Every materia element has potentially the possibility of bringing to the status of Jack an enhancement in terms of MAG, ATK, VIT, etc.
    It's Here that you will work! You will set the kind of skilling and his amount!
    In a word we completely reverse engineered the Crisis Core Savegame. In some days you will have this complete masterpiece.
Now starts the countdown, the definitive patchator is coming very soon.
On 4th march.


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