Monday, December 1, 2008


In order to use the savegame editors for your psp games, you need to accomplish the follows requirements:
  1. You need a psp with a modded firmware (also known as custom firmware);
    It is not possible to patch your save game data with the default psp firmware. So, initially you have to install a custom firmware. You can search it on the web and download it for free with its instructions.
  2. You need the plugin Savegame Deemer (also known as sgdeemer)
    This plugin is essential to patch a save game, because it allows the patch to read and modify the file game data. It is developed by HELLCAT and it is available by download here
    In a next post we show you in detail how to install and use it. Actually its version is the 1.10, the same we used to create the patches and to test them.
We remind you we tested the patches on psp with 3.95GEN custom firmware plus the plugin SG deemer; however the patches work with a general custom firmware too.

If you need several informations about firmware or saves editors for your PlayStation Portable, don’t hesitate to contact us.


  1. can you please post an alternate download link for sgdeemer? rapidshare aint workin for me.

  2. Of course! Check the post above, I've added an alternative download link.

  3. The alternative link is not available more.

  4. you guys rock if you modify values the same way i think you do check out cwcheat

  5. Will this work on a Original Firmware. Non hacked PSP?

  6. does this work for the psp go?

  7. does this work with a psp go?

  8. Hi! Could you please make a Patapon 2 savegame with ALL items in the altar (for example all Dekapon & Mahopon equipment, etc.)? That would be really, really great!!!! THX! :-)

  9. I am using 6.20 PRO-B4 (psp 3000)... will it work??
